
Shri. Pradeep Kumar Rai
I wish all the best to all the officers of The Advocates League. Research means the basic understanding of law.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dipak Misra
I wish The Advocates League all the very best. Definitely I am with this Organization.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice K.g. Balakrishnan
Hard-working, Talented young lawyer, who formed a group named The Advocates League for the advancement of their professional career. There are taken up the various program and I wish all success to this endeavor.

Shri M. C. Mehta
I appreciate the efforts of the members of The Advocates League. You people are doing the commendable work to learn, grow and make possible to reach the knowledge to everyone. Keep performing!

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ravi R. Tripathi
I am really very happy and at this outset I am congratulating organizers (The Advocates League) because to my mind it is something very wonderful. I am very happy with the efforts that members of TAL are putting, younger generation is doing something very good and this must be kept on.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Kurian Joseph
I would at this outset appreciate to the noble venture initiated by The Advocates League. It’s thought out well, planned well and executed very well.