In the present times, the times of spring i.e. the season of love and refreshment has been juxtaposed to the rather unpleasant and quite insalubrious psychosocial health for human lives on earth. It would not be incorrect to say that it is an acute outcome of the uncontrollable behaviour of human beings to achieve the narcissistic goals of their lives, but nevertheless the outcome has much to do with our future than with our present crisis. The focus of this article would rather be on how Covid-19 has affected globally and slowly taken a toll on us while completely incapacitating us to control our endeavour in the real time, so let alone in nearest quarter of the year thus compelling us to re-think about our already existing plans and thus plays with our mental health. The unstable mental ability owes its existence to the dejected environment surrounded by the cries of the poor, the worries of the health staff and the concerned government to contain this epidemic as soon as possible. The problem lies not only with the prevalent existential crisis rather with the following difficulties in survival of human beings and the glim chances of restoration of normalcy in the near future. The problem is not sector-specific or country-specific, it is rather hitting all of us hard and in this hour of plight and sense of togetherness binds us all and acts as a tonic for our everyday survival. The problem has no limit when we talk about the life of the poor daily-wage labourers or the informal sector workers whose every day hard works brings food and shelter for their families. In India, with a share of over 90% people working in Informal sector, Covid-19 has the potential to throw approx. 40 crores people in India deeper into poverty due to containment measures taken by the government1. It is not only India which is otherwise a developing country, but it is even worse with the countries like USA, Italy, China, Spain, etc. which has witnessed horrendous growth in loss of human lives and stressed economy. The effect on economy is global and the weaker ones are the worse sufferer, however that is only a balance of preponderance of probability. This pandemic has also highlighted the efficiency and capability of the government in minimizing the adversities and to avoid it to the largest extent possible. This pandemic is affecting tertiary sector where poor farmers who have made heavy investment in their crops to reap and earn their livelihood is miserably hampered due to stoppage of the fertilizers and other pesticides from across the country leading to debilitating impact on their family and livelihood. There are various other sectors which are also affected such as automotive sector which has reported zero sales since the measures of Locking down the country has taken place as a precaution to combat Covid-19. The market for Crude Oil has also been affected severely since the major oil producing countries like Russia, Iraq, US, China, etc. has been pandemic stricken and also the reason that lockdown’s have kept the people inside leading to heavy crash in oil-pricing leading to hugely affecting the economy. The current situation can see no cure and no superpower has the mechanism to combat this devastative disease which has already taken more than 2 lacs lives and more than 3.58 million affected world wide.2 The researchers in consonance with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and few other Institutes have come up with numerous medicines such as Hydroxychloroquine and prospective treatment to the instant disease and have tried to extend their helping hands to few other nations globally. Further, the Central as well as State government have launched various schemes and applications to keep a track on Covid-19 spreads within the community, to combat this since March, 2020 as a containment measure in India. Lastly, we can safely conclude that the Government has to come up with certain employment opportunities in different avenues and set up Industries as soon as possible to accommodate all the jobless workers hit by this pandemic. Further, the government has to build opportunities for the 2020 pass-out batches enrolled under different courses and to get them some opportunities since these people are the worst affected. The pressure created on the Central as well as State Government, Scientists, Research Institutes, Health workers, Sanitation workers, house guards, Police people and everyone who has a vital role to play are under immense pressure thereby affecting their mental health and well-being. The government has to be better equipped for any such crisis arising in future, and increase the fund under the head of Disaster Management. Therefore, the pandemic that has arisen and the plight that the entire human race is facing is partially our own deeds and the greed to capitalize more has triggered the process. The government has to work on employment generation both for the youth and the poor workers. It should further target to achieve large profits to maintain its deficit and focus on the overall economic growth. Therefore, we stand strong and united with our fellow men in this time of crisis and hope that all of this comes to an end soon. However, due to current unprecedented situation, we’re reminded of innumerable things due to no human intervention and no anti nature activities, other lives in the human system has started living freely and contributing to the ecosystem. Further, the moving of the vehicles on the roads has dropped down heavily, the industries emitting hazardous chemical discharges in the river and the air has lessen down leading to fall in environmental pollution and gearing up our chances of great health on this planet. It would not be wise to say, that the present situation has divine outcomes, however it has long lasting effect both in the negative as well a positive manner. Now, time can be the best judge to uncover all its chapters yet to be seen. 1ILO Report released on 8th April, 2020. 2 Last visited on 4th May, 2020.