Introduction :
the era of developments, technological developments has it's pros and cons. On
one hand technology helps us to connect but on the other hand it also increases
certain risks. If news helps us to get updated fake news misleads us like
anything. 'News' is all about getting certain knowledge about something where
the term 'Fake' stands for something which is not genuine. These two
combinations 'Fake News' can turn out to be very dangerous. Misinformation & Disinformation :
information which is falsely made is known as 'False information'. This false
information can be of two types – (1)
Misinformation & (2) Disinformation. A
false information unintentionally spread is known as misinformation where
internationally spread amounts to disinformation. It is the 'Disinformation'
that needs to be controlled. Disinformation popularly known as 'Fake news'
basically is a means to manipulate the truth. Fake News & Covid19 :
the current scenario of Covid19 pandemic media specifically social media is the
only medium to connect people. During those initial days of lockdown few pics
of dead bodies got virul claiming those to be corona dead bodies which were
absolute fake news affecting already tensed minds. This concept of fake news is nothing but a
disease of media which needs to be cured. Just like a virus fake news spreading
all over social networking sites Like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and on
various media portals with the aim to manipulate the reality. During the
lockdown media specifically social media being the only source of information
the quantity of fake news has increased. 7 March 2020, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi made an appeal to not believe any rumours related to the pandemic[1].
Some reports also suggests that people have been arrested for spreading fake
news about the coronavirus pandemic.[2] [3] With
the growth of internet in every household this problem of fake news is also
growing which needs to be taken care of immediately. As per the latest news
over 400 Indian Scientists are working together to debunk false information
regarding the virus[4] Initiatives taken so far :
According to Professor Rasmus Kleis
Nielsen "The problems of disinformation in a society like India might
be more sophisticated and more challenging than they are in the west"[5]
With the growth of internet usage from 137 million users in 2012 to over 600
million in 2019 has only increased fake
news over social media and lack of awareness among the public at large did not
help either.[6]
However certain initiatives has been taken by the government as well as by
Social networking sites authorities to control the spreading of fake news such
as - Whatsapp which is one of the most used applications has now limited the
number of people a message could be forwarded to and it also has introduced a
tip-line among other measures like suspensions of accounts and sending cease
and desist letters.[7]
Twitter is also taking actions in the form of deleting accounts alleged to
spread fake news. Apart from that intenet
shutdown has been used as a weapon by the government to stop the spreading of
social media rumours however internet shutdown can never be a permanent
solution as now days internet is more like a necessity than luxury. In
2018,Google news launched a program for training 8000 journalists in seven
official Indian languages (including English) to spread awareness of fake news
and fact checking practice.[8] This
program was so far the largest training initiative of Google in the whole
world. The concept of fact checking has become a business in India with the
creation of fact checking websites like - Boom, Alt News, Factly & SMHoaxSlayer.[9] The
Press Information Bureau (PIB) which
comes under the ministry of Information and Broadcasting had set up a fact-checking near the end of 2019 to focus on verifying
news related to the government.[10] Now media houses have their own fact checking
departments such as - India Today group & Times India having TOI factcheck.[11] Jancy Jacob, managing director at
mumbai based fact checking website BOOM has said that - "2019 has been a
unique year where fact checkers continuously kept moving from one event to the
other,and this has been the busiest year for us so far."[12] Conclusion :
Over the years specifically between 2016-2020 fake news has been a subject of
various reserch and many initiatives has been taken by local authorities,
government, social media self regulation departments to have a control over it.
The process is still on going. From taking legal action to use to technology to
identify fake news the journey to fight against fake news continuous. Students
of legal courses also are also being asked to submit their research papers or
theories regarding "How to fight with fake news" to get more ideas.
Regarding this ongoing process we can't conclude anything however we can hope
to get some permanent solution to stop fake news as till now all the
initiatives are only mere means to have a control over the problem. The permanent
solution is yet so far. [1] Purohit, Kunal (10 March 2020). "Misinformation,
fake news spark India coronavirus fears".
Al Jazeera.. [2] "Coronavirus
update: Health worker arrested for spreading fake news". Business
Today. 16 March 2020.. [3] Suffian, Mohammad (14 March 2020). "Odisha:
32-year-old held for spreading fake news on coronavirus on social media". India
Today.. [4] Dore, Bhavya (14 April 2020). "How
300 Indian scientists are fighting fake news about COVID-19". World
Economic Forum.. [5] "India's
Disinformation War More Complex Than in West: Oxford Prof". The
Quint. 6 October 2018. [6] Mohan, Shriya (26 April 2019). "Everybody
needs a good lie". Business Line. [7] Iyengar, Rishi (2 April 2019). "WhatsApp
now has a tip line for Indian election misinformation".
CNN.. [8] Christopher, Nilesh (19 June 2018). "Google
wants to train 8000 journalists with new tools to fight fake news". The
Economic Times. [9] Ananth, Venkat (7 May 2019). "Can
fact-checking emerge as big and viable business?". The
Economic Times. [10] "PIB
establishes checking unit to combat fake news against government on social
media". The Economic Times. 28 November
2019. [11] "Fact
Check". India Today. [12]