The Republic of India's criminal
code is called the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita. It took the place of the 1860-passed
Indian Penal Code. All facets of criminal law, including as offences,
penalties, defences, and processes, are covered by BNS.
On December 25, 2023, the Indian
Penal Law, 1860 (often known as the "IPC") was repealed and replaced
as the nation's new penal code by the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 (BNS).
1. Of
offences against property
1.1. Dishonest
misappropriation of property (Section 314)
currently stipulates that dishonest misappropriation of property carries a
minimum sentence of six months. Furthermore, the IPC no longer punishes the
offence with either a fine or imprisonment, but rather with both. In this
setting, the focus has shifted to imprisonment.
1.2. Criminal
Breach of Trust (Section 316)
IPC's Sections 406 through 409 on criminal breach of trust have been combined
into Section 316. Furthermore, under the IPC, criminal breach of trust is now
punishable by up to five years in jail, as opposed to the previous three years.[1]
1.3. Cheating
(Section 318)
Similarly, Sections 417, 418, and
420 of the IPC, which dealt with various forms of cheating, have been combined
into Section 318 of the BNS. The Indian Penal Code now penalises cheating with
up to three years in prison, instead of just one year[2].
The punishment for the more severe kind of cheating, known as "cheating
with knowledge that unjust damage may ensue to person whose interest criminal
is required to defend," has been enhanced from three years under the IPC
to five years in prison[3].
Of offences affecting the human body
2.1. Organised crime
The Maharashtra Control of
Organised Crime Act, 1999 ("MCOCA"), the Gujarat Control of Organised
Crime Act, 2015 ("GCOC"), and other specialised state laws that aim
to combat organised crime are the main sources of inspiration for Section 111
of the BNS, which introduces the offence of "organised crime."
The definition of "organised
as stated by the clause is imprecise, ambiguous, and dependent on catch-all
language. This allows the investigating agencies to prosecute people without
restraint or scrutiny on the basis of these imprecise and arbitrary
terminology. Terms like "land grabbing," "contract
killing," "cybercrimes," and so forth are used in the
description but are not defined in the Sanhita. It also makes use of
"economic offence."
Economic crime is defined in
ambiguous ways by employing overly general terms like "hawala
transaction" and "mass-marketing fraud," which are not further
clarified in the BNS or other statutes.
Importantly, although "hawala
transactions" as defined by the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 are
forbidden, they do not constitute crimes under the same Act. In the same way,
the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978 similarly
addresses "mass-marketing fraud."
Similarly, small organised crime is
defined in Section 112[5].
Extremely nebulous and subjective phrases like "trick theft,"
"pick pocketing," "card skimming," "unauthorised
selling of tickets," etc. are also used in the concept of minor organised
crime. Additionally, it renders "any other similar criminal act"
punishable. As a result, the scope of the offence is still blatantly ambiguous,
giving investigating authorities plenty of leeway when it comes to charging
The inclusion of "organised
crime" as a criminal under a federal legislation while it remains illegal
under state-specific statutes[6]
may lead to issues with jurisdiction between various agencies. Nonetheless, in
the event of repugnancy, the BNS will win due to Article 254 of the
2.2. Causing death by
negligence (Section 106)
Under the
BNS, the crime of causing death by carelessness has experienced a substantial
modification. The penalty for hasty and careless acts that result in death has
been raised to five years in prison plus a fine. In the past, the IPC punished
such an offence with a two-year sentence, a fine, or both.[7]
2.3. New specific offences
arising out of negligence
Section 106 covers medical
professionals who die while carrying out a medical operation due to their hasty
or reckless actions. The crime carries a two-year maximum sentence in jail as
well as a fine.[8]
The Supreme Court's ruling in Jacob Mathew v. State of Punjab, (2005) 6 SCC 1,
which established criteria to prevent the offence from being abused against
doctors, should be taken into consideration when reading this offence.
According to the Supreme Court,
carelessness in civil law does not always equate to carelessness in criminal
law. It found, among other things, that the element of mens rea had to be
proven in order for negligence to qualify as an offence.
A clause that appears to penalise
hit-and-run incidents has also been added to the BNS[9].
As of right now, the BNS stipulates that anyone who kills someone by reckless
or careless driving and then flees the scene without notifying the police or a
magistrate faces a fine in addition to a potential term of 10 years in jail..
There have been more hit-and-run accidents, road rage events, and reckless
driving occurrences across the nation. In 2021, more people died as a result of
reckless driving than from murder, according to the National Crime Records
Bureau. Thus, it appears that the purpose of this clause is to deter
hit-and-run incidents.
2.4. Mob Lynching
Given the rise in hate crimes and
mob lynchings around the nation, the BNS now expressly stipulates that murder
will be punished in mob lynching instances[10].
According to the provision, each member of a group of five or more people
acting together that commits murder on the basis of race, caste, community,
sex, place of birth, language, personal belief, or any other similar ground
faces the possibility of execution or life in prison, in addition to a fine.
2.5. Deletion of offences
The crime under Section 377 of the
IPC has been eliminated by the BNS in accordance with the Supreme Court's
ruling in Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India, (2018) 10 SCC 1. This
judgement is commendable as it upholds human dignity.
The BNS likewise omits the offence
of attempting suicide, which is defined by Section 309 of the IPC. This is a
progressive omission that sees suicide attempts as mental health emergencies
rather than criminal offences.
The adultery offence was declared
invalid by the Supreme Court in Joseph Shine v. Union of India, (2019) 3
SCC 39, citing its antiquated, capricious, and paternalistic nature. BNS leaves
out adultery as a crime, in defiance of the Parliamentary Standing Committee
Report's recommendation[11]
to reinstate adultery as a crime that applies to both men and women.
3. Interaction with the 1967
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act
3.1. Offences Relating to
The BNS defines a "terrorist
act" as a new offence[12].
It is important to remember that the chapter on crimes affecting the human body
now includes the offence related to terrorism. It has typically been located in
the chapter that addresses crimes against the state.
The UAPA[13],
which already defines and establishes the offence of terrorist act, overlaps
with the offence of performing a terrorist act. The UAPA's definition of a
terrorist act and the BNS's definition of one are identical. It is unclear,
therefore, why the BNS includes a provision for the new crime of terrorist act.
This is particularly true given that UAPA is a unique law that was passed in
order to provide a more potent means of preventing interalia terrorist
3.2. Offence of sedition
The removal of the sedition offence
specified by Section 124A of the IPC is the most welcome modification to the
BNS. This is consistent with the Union of India's declaration to the Supreme
Court on May 11, 2022, that it is reevaluating and reexamining the sedition
Sedition was merely a holdover from
colonial times, created to punish any kind of disobedience against the British
government. In a democratic society run according to the rule of law, it has no
Although the sedition offence under
Section 124A of the IPC has been eliminated, it appears that Section 152 of the
BNS, which addresses actions that jeopardise India's sovereignty, unity, and
integrity, has taken its place.
Of Punishments
service as a form of punishment is a crucial component of the BNS, specifically
seen in Section 4. (f). Community service is defined as labour that a court may
compel a convict to complete as a kind of punishment that serves the community
and for which he is not entitled to any compensation under the Bharatiya
Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023 ("BNSS") (new criminal procedural
important to note that the BNS has significantly changed from traditional
punitive methods by introducing community service as a non-custodial and
reformative type of punishment for minor offences.
community service has been added as an alternative punishment for defamation,
despite the fact that the question of whether defamation should even be
considered a criminal offence has not been settled in the BNS[16].
This revision is a good step toward lessening the severity of the defamation
service as a form of punishment is now available for a limited number of
offences. These are low-level offences such public intoxication misbehaviour[17],
illegal public servant trading[18],
failing to appear in response to a proclamation[19],
and three more offences, including defamation.
It could
be beneficial to include community service as a penalty for additional minor
infractions. This would represent a more thorough transition from punitive and
detentional tactics to a more restorative strategy.
In this
particular situation, it might be noteworthy to mention that community service
has been offered as an alternative to jail term for theft offences in which the
victim has received a first-time conviction and the stolen goods is valued at
less than five thousand rupees. However, community service is only recognised
when the offender restores the stolen goods or returns the item for its full
Regretfully, this clause somewhat supersedes community work as a form of
punishment. If someone steals $5,000 or less, they most likely won't be able to
pay the full amount and will be sentenced to prison time. so compromising
community service's original purpose.
"forfeiture of property" is still recognised by BNS as a form of
punishment, it can be unnecessary. "Forfeiture of property" as a
punishment is superfluous because the BNSS[21]
provides for the attachment and forfeiture of property. This is due to the fact
that forfeiture under the BNSS is applicable to all property acquired or
generated from criminal conduct or the commission of an offence, regardless of
the nature of the offence, and is not restricted to specified acts.
BNS's repeals and savings clause does away with the IPC but leaves intact
anything done or harmed by the IPC in the past. Additionally, Section 6 of the
General Clauses Act of 1897 is relevant under the BNS[22].
interesting to note that the BNS stipulates that any action taken or penalty
imposed under the IPC will be considered to have been carried out in accordance
with the relevant BNS provision, even though it also spares penalties,
punishments, proceedings, investigations, and remedies related to any such
penalty or punishment under the IPC[23].
Sadly, this clause raises concerns about the new penal code's retroactive
application in contravention of Article 20 of the Constitution, which states
that no one may be found guilty of an offence other than breaking the law in
effect at the time the offence was committed.
implements some beneficial changes (removing sedition from the list of crimes,
including transgender people in the definition of gender[24],
increasing the severity of crimes against women and children, introducing
community service as a form of punishment, etc.), but the changes lack a clear
policy goal or coherence.
implementation of amendments to offences against women and children is a prime
illustration of this. BNS aims to enact stricter laws for offences against
women and children. Two new offences have been introduced: one addresses sexual
activity by an individual in a position of authority[25]
and the other addresses sexual activity through dishonest means[26].
Nonetheless, BNS has not succeeded in making rape a gender-neutral offence and
still recognises marital rape as an exception to the general rape law. This
doesn't seem to be in line with the declared goals of prioritising crimes
against women and children.
sentencing procedure is still totally nonsensical in spite of the new
legislation. It's unclear if we use the punishment concepts of retaliation,
rehabilitation, or deterrence. Without any underlying concept, the punishments
have been lengthened and new offences have been added. The legislators must
realise that toughening up on penalties alone won't stop crimes from happening.
Although community service has been implemented as a reformative penalty, it is
only applicable for the first six offences and has no legal basis; prison
punishment is still the most common kind of punishment. As a result, sentencing
must be consistent and place a higher emphasis on non-custodial sanctions,
community service, probation, and reformative sentencing procedures as forms of
to this, solitary confinement cannot be used as a form of punishment in the
modern world. Particularly in light of the advancement of human rights and the
rights protected by Article 21 of the Constitution, such as the right to a
dignified life, civil liberties, the rights of prisoners, and the growing
importance of mental health, solitary confinement should have been outlawed.
the overlap between the offences covered by special and BNS statutes, as well
as the ambiguous language in the statute, will only cause further
misunderstanding and a rise in litigation. As a result, there will be an
increase in the backlog of cases in the courts.
[1] Section
316(2) of BNS
[2] Section 417
of IPC
[3] Section 418
of IPC
[4] “Any continuing
unlawful activity including kidnapping, robbery, vehicle theft, extortion, land
grabbing, contract killing, economic offence, cyber-crimes, trafficking of
persons, drugs, weapons or illicit goods or services, human trafficking for
prostitution or ransom, by any person or a group of persons acting in concert,
singly or jointly, either as a member of an organised crime syndicate or on
behalf of such syndicate, by use of violence, threat of violence, intimidation,
coercion, or by any other unlawful means to obtain direct or indirect material
benefit including a financial benefit, shall constitute organised crime.”
[5] “Whoever, being a
member of a group or gang, either singly or jointly, commits any act of theft,
snatching, cheating, unauthorised selling of tickets, unauthorised betting or
gambling, selling of public examination question papers or any other similar criminal
act, is said to commit petty organised crime.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this
sub-section “theft” includes trick theft, theft from vehicle, dwelling house or
business premises, cargo theft, pick pocketing, theft through card skimming,
shoplifting and theft of Automated Teller Machine.”
[6] Maharashtra
Control of Organised Crimes Act 1999, Uttar Pradesh Control of Organised Crimes
Act, 2017, Gujarat Control of Organised Crime Act, 2015, Karnataka Control of
Organised Crime Act, 2000, et al.
[7] Section 304A of
[8] Section 106(1) of BNS.
[9] Section 106(2) of
[10] Section 103 of BNS.
[11] See Report No.
246 of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs. Available at
[12] Section 113 of the BNS.
[13] Sections 15 and 16 of the UAPA.
[14] Writ Petition (Civil) No. 682 of
2021, S.G. Vombatkere v. Union of India.
[15] Section 23 of
[16] Section 356(2) of
[17] Section 355 of
[18] Section 202 of BNS
[19] Section 209 of BNS
[20] Section 303(2) of
[21] Section 107 of
[22] Section 358 of
[23] Section 358(3) of BNS.
[24] Section 2(1) of
[25] Section 68 of
[26] Section 69 of