Education is the process of giving and receiving knowledge from one person to another. It helps people become better citizens and getting a better-paid jobs. It helps us to grow and develop and tells us the importance of hard work in our life. Since March 2020 our country India is having lockdown due to COVID – 19. It is a virus that is transmissible to humans easily and it is very dangerous that it can take the life of that person. Due to this virus, many people have lost both their parents or some have lost that person who was solely responsible for the breed and butter in the family.
Positive outcomes of COVID – 19:
Whatever happens, it has its both positive and negative outcome. The positive outcome of COVID – 19 is adaptability and attitudes toward e-learning, students can be responsible for their education, most time can be invested on studies, students don’t have to spend time on traveling to school and colleges but they can sit at one place at their home and can do their studies. Major benefits of this are extracted by the student who is not in a very good financial position or has lost its financial stability due to pandemic as he has not to anywhere and has not to pay hostel fee/accommodation charges, mess charges, etc.
Challenges in education due to COVID – 19:
There is a different challenge to education such as poverty, bullying, student attitude towards education, Parent’s involvement, etc. Today, the situation in front of us shows that there are new challenges which have to be addressed else there is so much student in the country who will not able to afford education and a large number of students worldwide as well because everything has shifted to online mode. Both teacher and the students join the meeting through a link and there is no one to check where the student is listening in the class or not, sometimes there are serious network issues because of which someone cannot join the class, a student who used to go to government school and comes under below poverty line who cannot afford electronic gadgets like smartphones or laptops cannot do his/her studies. No genuine assessment test can be conducted to check the knowledge of the student especially for medical students who in the future are going to become doctors and treat the patients. There is zero interaction between the children and the teacher. Students have no place for social-emotional learning. It is also a time constraint and the class automatically disconnects.
Impact on student’s future:
1.) Many students will not return to school – Many students in the world will not return to school or college as many have lost their parents who were paying the fees of the school or students got such responsibilities on their shoulders.
2.) There will less money in education – This will bring a change as the budget for education will not change for some time and many students will complete their education in less fess and they don’t have to worry about the budget.
3.) New ways of learning – Many students in the country who are disabled or who cannot go to school can sit at home and complete their education by the way called distance learning program. This has bought a revolution in the education system in the world education system.
4.) Online way is not going to be efficient – as students can do their distance learning program and gain theoretical knowledge and but no one can check their knowledge that how much the student has gained out of it? This is especially not a good method of study for those who need practical experience like doctors’ engineers etc.
5.) Personalized learning by artificial intelligence – Due to COVID – 19 students cannot go to school and they study through an online learning app. In India, certain examples of online learning app could be Unacademy, BYJU’S, etc. this artificial intelligence can teach the students but it cannot make connections with the students and in this situation, a student might not understand the concept.
Education plays a beautiful role in the growth of human beings. There are different challenges which one has to face with hard work to become successful. This time the challenge in front of us is COVID – 19 pandemic which has hit all around the world and affected everyone. Every sector has been affected especially the education sector as there are many positive and negative outcomes which has been discussed earlier. It has affected the future of the students as no one is going to the school/college/university. No one is checking their knowledge even if in some part of the world if any exam is conducted in online mode i.e., open textbook method or making assignment related to their syllabus it is not going to help those students in the long run. Hence, the government now need to take a call and establish a way which is the better way to educate the students and students can use this knowledge for whole of their life and the government should also make a plan in case any future pandemic arises the students don’t have to sacrifice their future.